There is only one middle school located in Clay County, Georgia - Clay County Middle School. This school serves grades 6-8 and has a total enrollment of 62 students. While the school has a low student-teacher ratio of 9.2, indicating smaller class sizes, its academic performance is consistently below the state average across multiple subject areas.
Clay County Middle School is ranked 396 out of 588 middle schools in Georgia and has a 2-star rating from SchoolDigger. The school's proficiency rates on state assessments in English Language Arts, Math, and Social Studies are significantly lower than the state average, with the exception of 8th grade Science, which is slightly higher. The school serves a high-poverty student population, with 100% of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch, and has a relatively high per-student spending of $20,196 compared to the state average.
The data suggests that Clay County Middle School is facing significant challenges in providing a high-quality education to its students. The school's declining performance metrics over the past three years, from a 2-star rating to a 0-star rating, indicate that the school may need targeted interventions and support to improve student outcomes. While the small class sizes could be a potential advantage, the school's consistently low academic performance across multiple subject areas suggests that other factors, such as instructional practices and teacher quality, may need to be addressed to help the school better serve its high-poverty student population.
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