Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines


Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines is a high-performing public charter elementary and middle school serving 1,390 students in grades K-8 in Pembroke Pines, Florida, which is part of the Broward County school district.

Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines consistently outperforms the Broward County and Florida state averages in academic assessments, with significantly higher proficiency rates in End-of-Course (EOC) exams, Statewide Science assessments, and the Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) for English Language Arts and Mathematics. For example, the school's proficiency rates in EOC Algebra 1 (100%), EOC Geometry (97%), and EOC Biology 1 (100%) were substantially higher than the Broward County (58%, 53%, and 70%, respectively) and Florida state (55%, 53%, and 67%, respectively) averages. Additionally, Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines has a relatively low chronic absenteeism rate of 19.8%, which is lower than nearby schools like Silver Shores Elementary (26.7%), Dolphin Bay Elementary (23.8%), and Silver Lakes Elementary (24.8%).

Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines has a diverse student population, with a significant Hispanic student representation (67.84%) that is higher than nearby public schools. The school also has a lower percentage of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch (32.52%) compared to nearby public schools, suggesting it serves a relatively more affluent student population. Interestingly, two nearby charter schools, Somerset Academy Elementary South Campus and Somerset Academy, also demonstrate strong academic performance, with proficiency rates that often exceed the Broward County and Florida state averages.


Public, Charter K-8

 18800 Pines Blvd
       Pembroke Pines, FL  33029

(954) 703-2294

District: Broward

SchoolDigger Rank:
277th of 2,256 Florida Elementary Schools

Per Pupil Expenditures:  $9,533 Help

Student/teacher ratio:  17.5 Help
Number of students:  1,390

Racial breakdown:

African American:

Free/discounted lunch recipients:  32.5% Help

 See top rated Florida elementary schools

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Performance Trends
Compare Details Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines ranks better than 87.7% of elementary schools in Florida. It also ranks 32nd among 189 ranked elementary schools in the Broward School District. (See more...)
Compare Details In 2024 the calculated Average Standard Score was 86.25. (See more...)
Compare Details Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines ranks better than 86.6% of middle schools in Florida. (See more...)
Compare Details In 2024 the calculated Average Standard Score was 83.27. (See more...)
Chronic absenteeism in a school refers to a situation where students repeatedly miss school, with the threshold often defined as missing 10% or more of school days for any reason, excused or unexcused.
Student Body
Compare Details Racial makeup is: Hispanic (67.8%), African American (14.1%), White (10.4%). (See more...)
Compare Details 32.5% of students are receiving a free or discounted lunch. (See more...)
Compare Details The student/teacher ratio at Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines is 17.5. 107 elementary schools in the Broward School District have better student/teacher ratios. (See more...)
Compare Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines employs 79 full-time teachers.
Compare Details The average total spent per student at Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines is $9,533. 158 elementary schools in the Broward School District spend more per student.
Schooldigger Rankings:

Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines was not ranked this year due to insufficient test score data.
SchoolDigger ranks Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines 160th of 1196 Florida public middle schools. (See Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines in the ranking list.)


SchoolDigger ranks Broward 30th of 68 Florida school districts. (See district ranking list.)

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Rank History for Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Elementary Schools FL State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2013 89.11 164th 2029 91.9%
2014 90.90 130th 2064 93.7%
2016 89.69 155th 2087 92.6%
2017 88.82 180th 2112 91.5%
2018 88.05 205th 2118 90.3%
2019 91.93 99th 2182 95.5%
2021 78.64 461st 2247 79.5%
2022 89.32 205th 2219 90.8%
2023 85.02 289th 2240 87.1%
2024 86.25 277th 2256 87.7%
See the entire list of Florida Elementary School Rankings!

Data source: test scores: Florida Department of Education, rankings:

Rank History for Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools FL State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2013 80.83 156th 956 83.7%
2014 87.53 92nd 999 90.8%
2016 91.65 57th 997 94.3%
2017 92.58 59th 1031 94.3%
2018 90.40 84th 1035 91.9%
2019 90.95 71st 1099 93.5%
2021 80.68 184th 1136 83.8%
2022 87.86 106th 1148 90.8%
2023 80.72 188th 1177 84.0%
2024 83.27 160th 1196 86.6%
See the entire list of Florida Elementary School Rankings!

Data source: test scores: Florida Department of Education, rankings:

Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines Test Scores
Group by: 
District Scores:
State Scores:    

Data source: Florida Department of Education

Review counts

All ratings (Avg rating: 3.7)






by a parent
Friday, March 15, 2024

Open Quote Como bien decimos en Argentina “no se queje si no se queja”
Cuando recibimos la noticia de que nuestro hijo había salido sorteado en la lotería de Franklin y de acuerdo con el ranking de la institución nos alegramos mucho. Estábamos muy entusiasmados con el colegio, con el ranking y con lo que se veía de afuera.
Sinceramente hemos tenido una experiencia desastrosa en Franklin por diferentes razones, mi hijo tiene un retraso en el lenguaje, speech delay, speech language impairment, o en español trastorno especifico del lenguaje. Solamente en Franklin confeccionaron un programa 504 que nada tiene que ver con su problema del leguaje. Nos hemos sentido en todo momento totalmente desamparados, sin seguimiento, sin apoyo y con el agravante de ver salir a nuestro hijo triste cada jornada. Siempre un problema distinto, que un compañero lo molestaba, que le pegaban, lo empujaban y se golpeaba, se reían de él, no querían jugar con él, etc. Todos los días viendo a nuestro hijo salir triste del establecimiento y sin que medie ninguna sanción para ninguno de los alumnos o pedirle a nuestro hijo que hiciera algo distinto.
Al momento de comunicar que decidimos retirar a nuestro hijo del colegio, a los cinco minutos me llego un correo para que firme la salida. ¿Estaban esperando que tomáramos la decisión? Sera cierto que los charters no quieren problemas con chicos que tienen dificultad? ¿Esto puede perjudicarlos en el ranking? Son preguntas sin respuesta, pero espero que quien lea se las haga antes de aceptar la propuesta de esta institución.
Completamos la salida en tiempo récord, nadie se ha comunicado con nosotros para debatir la razón. Algunas de las razones que he mencionado, falta de empatía, falta de acomodaciones especiales con respecto al lenguaje, varias situaciones de bullying, falta de flexibilidad para facilitarnos cualquier pedido, falta de cuidado, falta de calidez humana, falta de comunicación relevante, falta de seguimiento de la evolución de los alumnos. Franklin se jacta de buena comunicación y llevan el Inbox o sms con sorteos, donaciones, etc. Pero cuando se trata de algo importante no lo comunican. Son desorganizados, burocráticos e inflexibles.
Recuerdo un tardy que le puso la directora de Operaciones a mi esposa a los gritos. Es una señora detestable, mal aprendida, la he saludado varias veces, ha bajado la vista sin responder al saludo. Si no saluda a un adulto y le grita a un adulto, imagínense el amor que puede tener por los niños. Hay gente que definitivamente debería trabajar en una fábrica y no tener la obligación de ver gente, y mucho menos cuando se trata de educar, de dar el ejemplo, de ser un modelo a seguir.
En pocas palabras, no recomiendo al colegio, ni la curricula académica, ni la calidad humana. De hecho, carecen de calidad humana, de hospitalidad, de cariño, amor, vocación, pasión, etc.
Cualquier duda o consulta me encuentran todas las redes sociales con mi nombre y apellido. Sinceramente espero que, a la hora de elegir, piensen en que sus hijos pasan mas horas dentro del colegio que en vuestra propia casa.
Ezequiel Close Quote

by a parent
Thursday, July 7, 2022

Open Quote This school should be a National Blue Ribbon School! Excellent in every aspect! Close Quote

Enrollment information for Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines

Year White African American Asian Hispanic American Indian Pacific Islander Two or More Races Not Specified Total
2012 219 213 63 587 0 0 30 0 1112
2013 231 201 78 653 0 0 39 0 1202
2014 258 176 101 574 0 0 36 0 1145
2015 251 176 107 621 0 0 26 0 1181
2016 245 176 103 682 0 1 21 0 1228
2017 249 207 97 777 2 2 23 0 1357
2018 239 206 99 829 1 3 17 0 1394
2019 221 208 86 858 1 3 15 0 1392
2020 193 200 86 894 1 3 15 0 1392
2021 185 207 85 891 1 3 19 0 1391
2022 176 189 86 907 3 3 20 0 1384
2023 144 196 77 943 4 3 23 0 1390

Data source: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Dept of Education.

About Enrollment/Ethnicity

For more information about how the Department of Education defines ethnicity, see Defining Race and Ethnicity Data, National Center for Education Statistics

Students eligible for free or discounted lunch at Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines

Year # Students Full-time Teachers Student/Teacher ratio % Free/Discounted Lunch
2012 1112 56.0 19.8 27.3
2013 1202 61.0 19.7 31.5
2014 1145 53.0 21.6 33.1
2015 1181 75.0 15.7 32.6
2016 1228 78.0 15.7 23.6
2017 1357 86.0 15.7 20.8
2018 1394 87.0 16.0 25.9
2019 1392 79.0 17.6 30.5
2020 1392 80.5 17.2 1.5
2021 1391 80.0 17.3 29.8
2022 1384 79.0 17.5 23.5
2023 1390 79.0 17.5 32.5

Data source: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Dept of Education.

About Students eligible for discounted/free lunch:

The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) provides low-cost or free meals to students in U.S. public and nonprofit private schools based on household income. Those with incomes below 130% of the poverty line receive free lunch, while those between 130% and 185% qualify for reduced-price lunch. The percentage of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch serves as a marker for poverty, as it reflects the socioeconomic status of families in a given school or district. A higher FRPL rate typically indicates a higher concentration of low-income families, suggesting that the school or district may face additional challenges in providing adequate resources and support for student success.

Student/Teacher Ratio Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines

Year # Students Full-time Teachers Student/Teacher ratio % Free/Discounted Lunch
2012 1112 56.0 19.8 27.3
2013 1202 61.0 19.7 31.5
2014 1145 53.0 21.6 33.1
2015 1181 75.0 15.7 32.6
2016 1228 78.0 15.7 23.6
2017 1357 86.0 15.7 20.8
2018 1394 87.0 16.0 25.9
2019 1392 79.0 17.6 30.5
2020 1392 80.5 17.2 1.5
2021 1391 80.0 17.3 29.8
2022 1384 79.0 17.5 23.5
2023 1390 79.0 17.5 32.5

Data source: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Dept of Education.

About Student-Teacher Ratio

Student/teacher ratio is calculated by dividing the total number of students by the total number of full-time equivalent teachers. Please note that a smaller student/teacher ratio does not necessarily translate to smaller class size. In some instances, schools hire teachers part time, and some teachers are hired for specialized instruction with very small class sizes. These and other factors contribute to the student/teacher ratio. Note: For private schools, Student/teacher ratio may not include Pre-Kindergarten.

Per Pupil Expenditures for Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines


YearExpenditures from Federal FundsExpenditures from State and Local FundsTotal Expenditures Per Pupil (All Funds)
2018 $00 (0.0%) $7,072 (100.0%) $7,072
2019 $00 (0.0%) $7,293 (100.0%) $7,293
2020 $00 (0.0%) $8,096 (100.0%) $8,096
2021 $00 (0.0%) $7,460 (100.0%) $7,460
2022 $15 (0.2%) $8,229 (99.8%) $8,244
2023 $498 (5.2%) $9,034 (94.8%) $9,533

Data source: Florida Department of Education
Pre and Post Pandemic Data

Impact of COVID-19 on Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines

The coronavirus has had a profound impact on education in America. Learning shifted online overnight, attendance numbers dwindled, and enrollment decreased. is making it easier for you to better assess how COVID-19 has impacted your school. Through the collection of pre-pandemic (2019) and current data, is sharing test scores, enrollment numbers and school demographics from schools across the country – and we make it easy to see how impacted schools compare locally and statewide.


Pre-pandemic (2018-2019)
Post pandemic (2022-2023)
Change (%)
Ranks 99th of 2182 Elementary schoolsRanks 289th of 2240 Elementary schools
Ranks 71st of 1099 Middle schoolsRanks 188th of 1177 Middle schools

Test Scores

% proficient
Pre-pandemic (2018-2019)
% proficient
Post pandemic (2022-2023)
Change (%)
3rd Grade English Language Arts (Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines)8483
   3rd Grade English Language Arts (Broward)6054
   3rd Grade English Language Arts (Florida)5853
3rd Grade Mathematics (Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines)8682
   3rd Grade Mathematics (Broward)6558
   3rd Grade Mathematics (Florida)6258
4th Grade English Language Arts (Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines)8786
   4th Grade English Language Arts (Broward)6258
   4th Grade English Language Arts (Florida)5857
4th Grade Mathematics (Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines)8278
   4th Grade Mathematics (Broward)6761
   4th Grade Mathematics (Florida)6461
5th Grade English Language Arts (Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines)8570
   5th Grade English Language Arts (Broward)5958
   5th Grade English Language Arts (Florida)5655
5th Grade Mathematics (Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines)8567
   5th Grade Mathematics (Broward)6453
   5th Grade Mathematics (Florida)6052
5th Grade Science (Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines)8567
   5th Grade Science (Broward)4946
   5th Grade Science (Florida)5351
6th Grade English Language Arts (Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines)7680
   6th Grade English Language Arts (Broward)5755
   6th Grade English Language Arts (Florida)5452
6th Grade Mathematics (Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines)8383
   6th Grade Mathematics (Broward)5848
   6th Grade Mathematics (Florida)5549
7th Grade English Language Arts (Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines)8067
   7th Grade English Language Arts (Broward)5550
   7th Grade English Language Arts (Florida)5248
7th Grade Mathematics (Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines)8559
   7th Grade Mathematics (Broward)5345
   7th Grade Mathematics (Florida)5446
8th Grade English Language Arts (Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines)8680
   8th Grade English Language Arts (Broward)5951
   8th Grade English Language Arts (Florida)5649
8th Grade Mathematics (Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines)6170
   8th Grade Mathematics (Broward)4534
   8th Grade Mathematics (Florida)4642
8th Grade Science (Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines)8868
   8th Grade Science (Broward)4338
   8th Grade Science (Florida)4844
End of Course Civics (Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines)9190
   End of Course Civics (Broward)7164
   End of Course Civics (Florida)7166
End of Course Algebra 1 (Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines)9799
   End of Course Algebra 1 (Broward)6250
   End of Course Algebra 1 (Florida)6254
End of Course Geometry (Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines)10098
   End of Course Geometry (Broward)5645
   End of Course Geometry (Florida)5750

Student Body

Number of students
Pre-pandemic (2018-2019)
Number of students
Post pandemic (2022-2023)
Change (%)
Total Students13921390
African American208196
American Indian14
Pacific Islander33
Two or More Races1523
% Free/Discounted Lunch Recipients30.5%32.5%

Schools Near Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines

Frequently Asked Questions about Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines

In the 2022-23 school year, 1,390 students attended Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines.

Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines ranks 277th of 2256 Florida elementary schools. SchoolDigger rates this school 4 stars out of 5.

Students at Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines are 68% Hispanic, 14% African American, 10% White, 6% Asian, 2% Two or more races.

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SchoolDigger data sources: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Census Bureau and the Florida Department of Education.

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMERS: Not all boundaries are included. We make every effort to ensure that boundaries are up-to-date. But it's important to note that these are approximations and are for general informational purposes only. To verify legal descriptions of boundaries or school locations, contact your local tax assessor's office and/or school district.


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