Our Lady Of Perpetual Help Catholic School

Private, Roman Catholic, PK, KG-8

 7521 N 57th Ave
       Glendale, AZ  85301-1311

(623) 931-7288

Student/teacher ratio:  16.6 Help
Number of students:  337

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by a parent
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Open Quote I am a guardian of a student at OLPH. I have paid for her to attend a Catholic School because that is what my parents did for me, what I did for my own children and am thankful to be able to do for my grand-daughter. So much hate and condemnation from parents and students! Why must we be so hard hearted and spiteful? The education from OLPH is well-rounded. I can't complain, I have always been treated with respect and love from other parents, teachers, students and pastors. I don't get involved with others petty disputes with teachers and staff. Nuns get respect from me because that is how I was raised. I couldn't imagine saying things that have been said here...I just couldn't.
The extra-curricular activities at OLPH are on the lean side, but I don't notice a bit of suffering from the students. They attend mass every morning and have an appreciation of the Catholic faith that I didn't gain until an adult. I am grateful to the teachers, office staff and principal for their dedication to the faith. As long as I am able, I will send my grand-daughter to OLPH. Close Quote

by a citizen
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Open Quote I direct this to all who have posted comments regarding "those who still return to OLPH after pulling children from the school."
I am a member of the parish. Is school enrollment a criteria for belonging to the parish and participating in activities of the parish? I do not believe it is a criteria. Are the people remaining at the school afraid of those who left the school but are still members of the parish? Do some people at the school have an agenda of their own that decides who can belong to the parish? Does the school receive funding from the parish? Does the parish welcome and need the contributions of all parishioners? Is my weekly donation welcome, but not my person? Close Quote

by a student
Monday, October 10, 2011

Open Quote As a graduated student of OLPH, I feel I know more about what was happening in the classrooms while the parents know more about what happened out of them. I have mixed emotions about attending OLPH. I did not have very many issues with my fellow classmates. However, the teachers and staff were very mediocre. Very few had the ability to actually teach in a classroom. Others seemed like they should be teaching a much lowed grade level. Some just did not belong at the school. Even though there were some good moments, I feel that they are overwhelmed by the bad. During my last two years, teachers were leaving in the middle of the year, including my homeroom teacher, forcing entire classes to basically start over when we were nearly finished with the school year. Almost all of the office employees came off as rude and obnoxious, and those who were not left the school. If it was not for the friends I had already made, I would have transferred schools much sooner. At one point my parents asked if I wanted to transfer, but I said no. I told them I did not want to make a sudden adjsutment and have to make all new friends when I had already been at OLPH for eight years. Still, I feel like I was cheated out of a quality education that other Catholic schools were receiving. Although I am doing extremely well in high school, I feel much more could have been done in giving us the quality education that we all deserved. Although I have said many negative things, I cannot deny that there were some positive parts. I remember when at one point, I was almost forced to leave because my family could no longer afford the monthly tuition. However, the principal at the time worked with my family so I could continue my education at OLPH. This occurred long before all of the "drama" with OLPH began. Although I had a decent time attending OLPH, I feel that there are much better schools that parents can send their children to. Whatever your choice is, remember that it is your children that have to deal with the teachers everyday, not you. If your child does enjoy attending OLPH, then let them stay. Otherwise, try to find a much more suitable school for your child. Close Quote

by a parent
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Open Quote I come back to this site from time to time just to read the comments. I was at OLPH for 15 plus years and as a Catholic mom worked my very heart out to keep my kids in school and I even worked in the school for many years. The advice I give to parents wanting or looking for a school is to run, do not look back. We as parents pay a huge amount for tuition/uniforms/fundraisers. Your money needs to go to another school, the bishop does not support this school and never will. There are plenty of other Catholic schools to consider, this is not the one. The school name is Our Lady Of Perpetual Help but most call it Our Lady of Perpetual Hell. This is no place to entrust you children to attend. The world is bad enough out there don't make their education a struggle. The staff is incredibly ignorant and the teachers are not qualified to work in a the city dump. Please do research before sending your child to this school, and please be aware of the people in the school office, they would sell you a piece of land in hell if they could. Just be aware. Close Quote

by a student
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Open Quote Recently our OLPH family (those that have graduated, left to another school or are still there) lost one of our sisters. Mercedes Gabaldon. Her death bought a lot of us together again to share memories of OLPH and our love for Mercedes. This event helped me to understand what happen with OLPH. It was the adults that had heart ache with each other (not with OLPH it's self) and used us kids to pay the price. OLPH was our home and we loved each other and trusted in each other. Many of us have moved on but when life dealt us a card of death it was OLPH that we all united to pray for Mercedes and to let our sad broken hearts come together to heal. It was in our OLPH church that we once again felt at home and were able to pay tribute to our sister Mercedes. My classmates shared stories of Mercedes that happened at OLPH. Those are our memories no one can take from us. So please leave OLPH alone and let it grow once again and become a home too many more children that will come through those doors. Becomes who knows today it was the loss of Mercedes tomorrow it could be you or me. And I'd like to know that my OLPH family will come together in my dieing days as well.

Thank you to the families that started OLPH, thank you to the families that left OLPH, Thank you to the families that stayed at OLPH. And thank you OLPH for being our home for many years. Close Quote

by a parent
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Open Quote I was recently directed to this website by a current parent at OLPH. Interesting the comments that are on here regarding this school. I once was a parent at OLPH. I must say that everything that happened that caused us to leave this school was so worth it! I have since moved my children to another catholic school and it was the best thing that EVER happened to my kids. The sad part was to learn that my children had been receiving a poor/average education at OLPH. It wasn't only my children but nearly every child that had transferred to this school from OLPH. It's nice to know that now my children are getting what I pay for and so much more. I don't think I would have appreciated this school so much had I not experienced all the "chaos" at OLPH! It's great to have a Priest that interacts and enjoys the children. One who is believable again. It's nice to be at a school that appreciates the generosity of all it's parents! To the writer that said those of us that left still return to the school and participate in the festivals or other things. I for one have never returned, as I know several others have not as well. You are right, there are some that still do...that is interesting. It is interesting that one would write that people who have left say bad things about the school. In return, those who are at the school tend to say some very negative things about the people that left. The same people that they once shared a friendship with, or participated in a classroom party, project or field trip with, some of the same people that they relied on to ensure that the children had a great experience. Some of the people that came to OLPH after those that left even say negative things about people that have departed. How would they know..they wouldn't be listening to gossip, now would they?
Those of you that remain at OLPH, may you enjoy your time there. I wish OLPH parents, students & teachers well and hope you can recreate what was lost so long ago! As the saying goes, God always has a plan and his plan for us was to have us switch to a school that my children love and one that loves the children! So I don't look upon that experience at OLPH in a bad light now, but one that has given our entire family abundant blessings. Close Quote

by a student
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Open Quote After being a student at this school for all 8 years, I for one can tell you how BAD this school was. NONE of the teachers were fit to be teaching and could care less if we passed or failed as long as they were getting their pay checks. The priests at the school Were by far the WORST I have seen perform mass. Parents I encourage you to enroll your kids into a better catholic school near by. Heck even a public school would be a better fit than this school. When I was going to school here, there were about 400-500 students. Now its down to 100. I am not alone when I say that this school is falling apart and will only keep falling till it closes down. Close Quote

by a citizen
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Open Quote As a grandparent of two students I cannot tell you how many times this year I have said that the Catholic education my grandchildren are receiving is priceless. In a recent conversation with our pastor concerning the possibility of our school closing He said please tell SATAN the school is not closing. Only the evil one can be spreading this rumor.

I love the Nuns who have been entrusted with the care of my grandchildren. They are the most joy filled women you will ever meet and they want nothing more than for our children and our school to succeed!

I think problems exist but I would never say it is because the staff is not doing their job. I proudly support our school. Close Quote

by a parent
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Open Quote I am a parent and I have two children in OLPH, I have been here for 6 years, I was recently told about this site and when I entered and saw what was being written about this school I found it incredible that some parents still have their teenage bickering years inside of them. First of all, to the parent who wrote on February 1, I do not know if your children attend this school or if you were one of the parents that left this school. If you no longer attended this school, I ask that you go on your way to your knew school and enjoy it. Please leave this school alone. I am a very happy parent here, my kids are very happy. For the past two years our school was in so much chaos(gossip, call it what you like) that is was getting pretty bad. Yes, this year has been a hard year, but luckily things are picking up and getting better. Its true that many parents do not have the money your have and cannot give generous donations as you did, but we are doing okay. Your new school is lucky to have you there so you can give them all your help, your donations, and your time. Maybe when you start giving to your new school everything you gave to OLPH, you won't have time to be writing unwanted remarks about a school you no longer attend, I really do hope that you are not one of those parents who have been talking about our school, about out wonderful teachers, and our wonderful principal (who by the way is trying to clean up the mess that was left behind,) and you still plan to come back next year. Many people who left talk to about our school, but still you tend to come to church and to our functions. Please go on with our life. To that parents who are looking into our school, the only thing I can tell you is that many of these so called Catholic parents, before they left tried to get every parent to leave our school, but many of us stayed, and believe me I do not regret it, at all. Thank you to our 3 nuns who are here, to our principal who even though you may be having a horrible day, you never stop smiling, to our great teachers thank you for taking time with our children and being part of this school, to our two office staff members keep doing a great job! To the parents who are trying to ruin our school, I will keep you in my prayers so that you can get that hatred out of your hearts. To the parents who are here WE WILL SURVIVE! To the parents who do not like us, who criticize us, and who are so aware of our financial situation, I hope you can attend our School festival in May, and enjoy our festival, maybe you can donate to our school so that you make sure we do not close. Oh by the way, our school is accepting students for next year, I am sure you are dying to come back, that is why you still write about our school. It is obvious that you have lots of time to know about our school, maybe its time to donate your time and gossip to your own school. Close Quote

by a parent
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Open Quote In response to the comment dated 2/01/2011. You must really not have anything to do. Please pray for yourself because you really sound like a lost soul. Stop hurting people and stop getting into other people's business. You are full of hatred. I hope that you do not have children because this will be very discouraging for the children, especially the way you describe all the information about the school and church. Close Quote

by a parent
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Open Quote I urge you not to consider this school for your children. There are 3 other much better Catholic schools in the immediate vicinity. Although the main source of the problem here in the past several years, Fr. Michael Reinhardt, has been removed by the Diocese and banished to the remote corners of northern Arizona for his misdeeds, problems still abound.

The parish has no full time pastor and will not have a new one until the middle of 2011.. much too late to make any meaningful changes for the next school year. The school principal, brought here by Fr. Mike, has neither the knowledge, expertise, humanity, nor credentials to be a school principal. Enrollment continues to decline as parents pull their children from the school. There are now about 100 students total, no matter what other figures you may hear being bandied about. A school cannot sustain itself with this number of students unless there is a huge increase in the tuition for the next year and the remaining parents cannot bear this burden.

The financial strain placed by the school on the entire parish is overwhelming. Weekly Sunday collections on the parish side, caused mainly by a changing socioeconomic structure within the community, are further reasons why the entire parish is in such a decline. The Diocese has no real answers for this failing parish as it has too many other problems elsewhere. It cannot afford to spend either the time or the money to make any significant improvements in the immediate future.

At the beginning of the school year the school principal was told that the school absolutely must raise an absolute minimum amount of $100,000.00 through fundraising efforts to have any chance of the school's survival. It has been expressed by her to many persons around the parish that there are no real financial problems, and the school will certainly be around another 60 years. She has no right to make this claim.

Anyone considering remaining a part of this parish school should be demanding an immediate financial reporting on the state of the parish and school before paying any further tuition or registration fees for future months or the next school year. Close Quote

by a teacher
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Open Quote The school is really taking a new shape. The teachers are great, and they know what they are doing. The school's focus on Catholic Identity and Academic Excellence is developing each day. Students are challenged to work not just to succeed but to excel in academic and to know and practice their catholic faith. Their is structure and discipline. Upper grade classes now do lab experiments in science, and the math teacher is available everyday to work with students after school to ensure that no one is left behind. The School's Christmas concert this year was the best ever! It was wonderful to see everyone participate in the play and the cooperation among the staff. Long live OLPH. Our Lady of Perpetual Help will continue to support, strengthen, and intercede for her school. Close Quote

by a parent
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Open Quote WOW!!! Close Quote

by a parent
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Open Quote I have been and continue to be a parent at OLPH. The current parents at OLPH need to be reminded of how much the families and teachers that left OLPH over the last 2 years did to make it a successful school. Regardless of what you think, the people on the fundraising committee (most of whom have left OLPH) raised close to $100K per year and gave countless hours of their personal time to do so. OLPH will be lucky to make $20K in fundraising this year. Other groups of parents obtained grants, equipment and donations for the school each year. Many parents gave time and talent using their professional skills such as carpentry, computer/technology work, clerical skills, legal work, and YES even helped in the classroom (I don't know one parent who wanted to become or thought they were a teacher, as one writer claimed). Just about every family who created our successful school has left.

What parent or family has taken over these tasks this year? There are several parents that want to make decisions without others input and delegate the work to others, but no parents have stepped up to the plate, rolled up their sleeves and got their hands dirty. People claim that certain parents from previous years wanted to control everything and did not want other parents to volunteer. This could not be further from the truth. I know for a fact last year's parents pleaded with families to be involved and participate. As usual the same families who have stepped up year after year were the ones who made the school successful the last few years. As usual the same families who never participate, fundraise or volunteer did nothing and rode on the coat tails of the other families. Guess what? The VAST majority of families who volunteered, raised money and donated items to the school are gone AND we are left with those families that do nothing. That worked out well for us, didn't it!

It has become clear that our pastor did some very inappropriate things, including potential misuse of funds. That's why the diocese got rid of him and brought in a vicar general to clean up the mess. The money you worked hard for and used to pay for your child's education was squandered. Last year the families you are complaining about tried to bring this situation to light but no one listened. In fact these families were ostracized while attempting to be good Catholics and bring evil to light.

I am tired of hearing the current OLPH parents complain about the families that left. It's pretty clear they were right about what was occurring. Yes, the nuns are nice but they do not have the experience to get this school back on track. Say what you want about me but I speak the truth and all of the current families know it. Please do not respond with "if you don't like it then leave", we chose to come back because we care about the school. OLPH is our home and it kills me that we allowed a rogue priest and his right hand liaison to destroy what we had. It was preventable and could have been stopped.

Whatever issues you may have with the families that left you need to be grateful for all they did while they were here. Our school would not have been the thriving school it was without them. Please stop the hate and blame. Appreciate what we had so we can attempt to get back to that level of success. Close Quote

by a teacher
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Open Quote Parents should consider the truth behind all the allegations at this school. Is there a lower rated school in Arizona? Parishioners who participated in the investigation and audit are concerned with justice. Just as Catholics concern themselves with telling the truth about abortion and fighting its injustice, no ex-parent/parishioner can relieve themselves of the responsibility to seek justice. It is everyone's duty to know and act on truth. Trying to relegate an audit to gossip is willful blindness and folly. The findings of misconduct were so severe that the priest was fired and forcibly removed. Truth does not destroy children; lies, incompetence and malfeasance does. The parish school will never survive until it is united in truth. The parish does not revolve around this school; the school is dragging it into bankruptcy (a grave injury in Catholic canon law).

Speaking of survival, the pay schedule for diocesian teachers is public. Roughly figuring, salaries of teachers amount to $85,000 a month. The school publically states it has 130 kids at $3900 each. Paying month to month for 10 month, income to the school is $390 a kid- roughly $51,000 per month. With a $40,000 deficit each month, who is still being dishonest? People who fight for OLPH do not hate it. Rather, Pope St. Felix III said "Not to oppose error is to approve it; and not to defend truth is to suppress it, and indeed to neglect to confound evil men when we can do so is NOT less a sin than to encourage them." Mistakes can be apologized for, sins need accountability of the truth, confession, repentance and atonement.

The school does not have the funds to cover the teacher's salaries. The principal does not have the qualifications with her provisional, temporary teaching certificate to be a principal. She only received her master's degree in 2008; she has no experience or qualifications to be a principal. Truth will prevail when a good priest is brought in to shepard the parish in truth, justice and peace. Until then, the school is a sinking ship. When the remaining 51 children of the original 460 kids are forced out through closure, they will likely be enrolling in those pitiable schools. Close Quote

by a parent
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Open Quote For all you people who keep talking about only caring about the kids you are destroying the children. the more gossip and lies that are spread about OLPH is tearing our children down, if you have removed yourself from this school and taken your kids elsewhere that is fine. You are gone now so leave us alone. My daughter has been at this school since kindergarten and now in 8th grade comes home upset because of all the rumors she sees her old classmates and their parents telling. She just wonders if they are gone, why don't they just leave us alone. A question I can only answer by telling her some people are just very unhappy and have to bring other people down to make themselves feel better.
I don't know that Fr. Mike is all the things you people say, but one thing I do know is he is HUMAN, makes mistakes like anyone else, but in all I have seen he is very spiritual man and has tried to do what he thinks is right.
Now alot of you parents that have left you are still the hate spreading people you always were (when you were at OLPH). I feel sorry for the schools you have taken you children too and I feel sorry for your children being raised like this. If you are going to send your kids to Catholic school and raise them to be Christians maybe you should start acting like Christians yourself.
I love OLPH and so does my daughter, I would recommend it to anyone.
Lastly, you haters have gotten your wish and Fr. Mike is leaving so can you please just go on with your lives and leave us alone?????? Close Quote

by a parent
Monday, September 20, 2010

Open Quote Historically, it has been pride and arrogance that has destroyed people and nations. Let us all start the healing that needs to take place to save this school. First of all, as a current parent that is very concerned about our school and church, and after much prayer, I would like to apologize to those who have left our school. There was, and is, much anger and hurt amongst many past and present families from the OLPH community. In order to move on, we must recognize the pain that was caused by all of our bad behavior. This includes some parents, former and present administration, and does not exclude our priest, Father Mike. Instead of asking people to leave our school, we should have all gathered and prayed together as a community to find a solution. This is true behavior of Christians, and what we are called to do by our loving and merciful God. There is truth that our school is in great need of monetary help. There is also truth that the parents and teachers at our school are trying to stay positive about our community. Sadly, there is also truth, that if one voices their feelings about any uncertainty about our school or how it got into financial distress, can bring upon themselves awful bullying tactics by the school's current administration, including the principal and our priest, Father Mike. This of course, is not true behavior of Christians. What is needed for our school to succeed is not only financial help, but truth and prayer. Most importantly, we need to be led by an administration and priest that demonstrate true Christianity. Father Mike has told and continues to tell people from our community, not to revisit any problems or associate with any former families that have left OLPH School. It is certainly not of God to cause division in a Christian community. This not only demonstrates his lack of love and mercy, but it also demonstrates his lack of wisdom, for how can we successfully find solutions to our problems without evaluating past and present situations. My hope is not only that this school succeeds, but that love, mercy and forgiveness is shown amongst all the families that have left, and to those who chose to stay at OLPH. I miss families that have left, and hope that one day they may return. I also hope that after anyone who reads this, joins me in prayer that things get better at OLPH and that hearts are soften to change negative behaviors such as arrogance and pride. I believe that ultimately it will be prayer that will bring a solution to all the devastation of the past, and for a better future for OLPH. Lastly, I would like to share a very humbling occurrence. Last night I visited a family that has left our school. As I visited with the parents, my child played with her former classmate. I watched and listened to how they played together; both were very happy and demonstrated much love and laughter between them. Jesus tells us that the kingdom of heaven belongs to children, and to those who exhibit the childlike behavior of love, mercy, compassion and forgiveness. If only we adults could exhibit the same type of behavior between ourselves. Close Quote

by a citizen
Friday, September 17, 2010

Open Quote Around 120 students??!!! How in the world can that pay the salary for the teachers??? I remember not too long ago how well the school and parish was doing and everyone was so happy. WOW, what a difference 3 years can make with Fr. Mike!!! Close Quote

by a teacher
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Open Quote Please do not consider this school for your child. It is in total chaos and getting worse everyday. Several weeks ago the students were posting videos on You Tube while the homeroom teacher sat and watched. The principal has no credentials to be a principal and no experience at all in administration. The preschool has no certified full-time instructor and may be shut down very soon. The enrollment is now close to 120 students, and dropping every week. The tests scores of the students are horrific. Hundreds of families have run from this scene. While claiming to be a spiritual environment, the school office staff treats people with disrespect, including their fellow employees and the teachers. Everyone points the finger at everyone else for this disaster, but the finger pointing should be directed at one person and one person alone. The pastor of the parish, Fr. Mike, cares nothing about the staff or the students. He has his own agenda in all things and that is to take care of number one. He wastes money on the most ridiculous things, like organic gardens, while the school cannot afford supplies to operate. The staff has to go begging to the parish community for handouts for the most basic needs. He has plenty of blame to spread around as well, without ever looking in the mirror at the true cause of this tragic decline of a once caring and loving community of believers. He has been at OLPH now for about 3 years which is the usual amount of time it takes him to destroy a parish before he is moved elsewhere in the Diocese to begin his destruction all over again. Close Quote

by a parent
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Open Quote I want to start by saying that my prayers go out to OLPH this year for the sake of the children who will be attending and for the school that I love and once called home. I am a former alumni of OLPH and this was a school that was once a family. I was blessed to have my child in 1st grade this year with an amazing teacher who had a special gift to teach. She will not be returning this year along with so many other wonderful teachers. Because of this, I made the decision to find a school with stability that my children can call home for years to come. A Catholic education is so precious and is a gift that children will value for the rest of their lives. I pray for a miracle this year, and that one person, who was the start of this chaos will leave. I am not a parent that carries anger in my heart, but I am sad that so many wonderful volunteers, that other schools will be blessed to have, were asked to leave. It amazes me that one person, can have so much influence. The funny thing is, I never knew this person worked for the school. I never saw her in any school events or even on campus. I find it hard to believe that they have the school's best interest at heart. If you truly believe in OLPH, why would you have a problem sending your own children to a school that you work for??? Close Quote

by a parent
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Open Quote I think the author of the June 16th post does not understand the purpose of reviewing this school. Parents are trying to protect future students. Many children were deeply hurt here. My daughter was threatened to be expelled because I questioned a charged and mentioned the better business bureau. This was my daughters' 8th grade year. She attended from kindergarten and never had one detention, she was on honor roll almost every quarter. She was devastated at this threat.

Why would we want anyone to subject their dear children, their gift from God to this environment? If the real problems were gone, then yes, give the school a try, but the hurtful people are still there.

Maybe the new nuns will have some influence on the Bishop to help him realize Fr. Mike's gift, it is not to run a school. There must be a better job for him. He is very spiritual and has good intentions, but he was easily manipulated by one sly psychologist who had started with a grudge against OLPH.
For two years, many children and families have been hurt by these people, some to the point they have left the Catholic faith, that was wrong, it's wrong the bishop ignored what was/is happening to the children at this school.
"We started out as strangers, became friends and left as family" (unknown) Close Quote

by a citizen
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Open Quote Our Lady of Perpetual Help .....Please pray for us! Pray for the angry parents and former teachers of this school. You have guided them to find another school and to move on and leave the past behind. Please help the parents to leave the nuns alone who have nothing to do with their anger or hurt feelings. Instead guide them to pray for the nuns and for themselves. Lead them to take their talents and enrich other schools with their volunteer or teaching skills. And most importantly help them to understand the true meaning of volunteering doing from your heart and not expecting anything in return. Your good work here on earth shall be returned to you in heaven. For Jesus loves us all.

I have talked with other families that have left and they are all happy in their new schools.....you too will be happy but you have to leave the past behind. Change is good but anger is not. Go forth and live the Catholic Christian life you long for. This school is not for you but it can be for someone else. Close Quote

by a parent
Monday, June 14, 2010

Open Quote As a former parent and strong supporter of OLPH I am now running away from it because a so called Priest has judged me based on other people's comments, with out a foundation and with out looking back to what I had brought to OLPH. When the so called Leader of the school is not able to have his own decision based on his interaction with the people he should never be in this position. He failed to protect this school and his wrong decisions have brought OLPH to ruins. Nuns are not going to fix the problem at OLPH. The school failed to parents in having the right administration staff, it failed to students by allowing the problems to filter into their lives and ignoring what is really relevant our students education. What is a Nun with out the proper certification teach the students? They are not even from here, they will have no knowledge of the education system in Arizona, good luck with that. Now they are looking for parishoners to volunteer to be able to comply with the promises he made about additional elective classes, becareful with that because when they get tire of volunteers they make sure it is about the volunteers' actions and everything they do is wrong and against them. Close Quote

by a teacher
Monday, June 14, 2010

Open Quote A few years ago I would have given OLPH 5 stars. As a former employee I can say that I have given OLPH everything I could. I was not asked to continue to be a part of this "new vision" that Father has. Having an order of sisters for the school is a wonderful addition. So is daily Mass, but not at the expense of a quality education for the children and the alienation of strong, faith-filled families and teachers.

This year I worked for an exceptional principal. A woman who lives her faith and daily passes that on to others. She tirelessly worked to improve our school, save money and provide many things for the children. When things started to fall apart last year I stayed, thinking that it would get better and that we would begin again. I believe we did. We had new teachers come in that were an asset to our school family and parents who volunteered in many, many ways. But, the administrative team apparently had other ideas. I can not understand what has happened! What is it that caused the termination of many of our contracts when we have continued to serve the students and parents to the best of our abilities. Why did parents who stepped up and supported Father and the school end up on the "black list"? I used to invite parents to come check out OLPH as a school for their kids. Now I can not do that. OLPH is no longer the "family" it used to be. What you see is not what you get. I pray that someday that will change. I am a firm believer that Catholic education is the BEST environment for Catholic children...don't look to OLPH for this. You won't find it inside those doors now. Close Quote

by a parent
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Open Quote Congratulations OLPH on having brought the Nuns from Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Jesus to the school. They will be a great asset and will help bring forward the vision of a true catholic identity. Not to mention that we will now have Mass daily as part of the school curriculum. That is what I call a Catholic School! Close Quote

by a parent
Monday, May 17, 2010

Open Quote It is flabbergasting that the student body has dropped from 435 in 2009 to 255 in 2010 and will be less than 100 in the 2010-2011 school year. Why have that many children left? The principal was wonderful, but the administration asked us to re-register before they told us that they were not asking her or 10 teachers back. The admin is looking for new teachers out of the university to staff all the vacancies- with no principal picked out. I am taking my children and running away. The administration can't seem to get along with anyone. Close Quote

by a parent
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Open Quote I can't begin to express enough to runaway from the EVIL that lurks at this school. The so called Priest & his "Administrative Liason" are mean spirited and care nothing for these children, the teachers, or the school! Everyone on his "Administrative team" outside of the present Principal will stop at nothing to berate, demean and be down right vicious to you, the parent, who pays their salaries!This is a repeat of last year with a mass exodus of families leaving again, not to mention some of his biggest followers! We are leaving due to the inability of the Priest to recognize these children as human beings, or to recognize the parents as such. He puts himself on this Pedastal and little does he know how people talk about him and have a great dislike for him. Him and his Liason should be nowhere near a school, let alone running it! Where is the Diocese??? With their hands folded..saying "there is nothing we can do?" REALLY??

Recently several teachers contrats weren't renewed. These teachers found out via a letter in their mailbox at school. This brings me to one teacher in particular. This teacher's contract was renewed, but let me share my child's experience with this teacher. During class this 7th grade teacher pulled a very quiet, reserved girl to the front of the classroom. He proceeded to make fun of the way she talked and then said she should see a doctor for the way she talks. All the kids laughed at her and the poor girl went away in tears. Oh, but we offered this teacher a contract! It's common for this particular teacher to belittle and demean these kids in front of their peers. His common name for them is "Dirtbag"! His great teaching style is a PACKET! He is worthless as a teacher, but renew his contract!

If your wish is for your child to be put down, to have their self esteem ripped apart, bullied by this teacher or copying the glossary verbatim three times for minimum credit...then rush right over I hear there is room. Lots of empty classrooms for the under 75 kids who are registered for next year. Down from 450 just 3 years ago before this so called Priest arrived!

If a TRUE catholic education is what you seek for your child, don't even consider looking here. There is nothing humane about this experience, let alone catholic! Visit the other two schools close by...they really do care! Close Quote

by a parent
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Open Quote There is no question that Catholic education is far superior to that of a public school. That is why the parents who you claim flooded the site took their children to OTHER Catholic schools.

The integrity and education that is in question is the that which is being provided by Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Close Quote

by a citizen
Friday, September 11, 2009

Open Quote Wow, looks like all the bad reviews were written between June 5-8, 2009. Sounds like a disgruntled parent loading up the site with bad reviews in order to exact some type of revenge. I can see right through that. OLPH is a great school with a wonderful staff. Dont get caught up in the hype. Catholic education is infinatley better than public school Close Quote

by a citizen
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Open Quote MOVE ON PEOPLE. Close Quote

by a student
Saturday, August 8, 2009

Open Quote So you think rumors are real. Here are a few facts for you, Especially for those who are so judgmental. First of all you really don't know Father Mike. If you did you really would be ashamed of yourselves, for your rude accusations of him. Here are the facts
1- There were so many favors given, that tuition wasn't being paid
2- OLPH has a low credadation and low catholic identity
(more private than parochial)
3- one of your most trusted ladies is a thief. She stole lots of
money from the school. A lot of people knew of this and never said
a word.

4- lets talk about the script money program, because a lot of that
money was stolen. Not counting all the bounced checks that were
received and never paid for.
5- Sex education was off the wall, but not appropriate for catholic
6- Children never went to mass outside of going to school mass and
no confession ever.
These were some of the many problems Father Mike faced after coming to OlPH. As a catholic student this is the terrible gossip i heard. I must ask this question? You criticize Father Mike's priesthood his personal life and yet what kind of catholic parents are you when you show your children no respect for a priest you don't even know. Only by rumors and gossip that you heard from others. The question is what kind of catholic parents are you, to send your children to a catholic school that other students told Father Mike that they didn't even go to confession or mass. So why even send them if there not learning anything but gossip. Father Mike and I had a long talk and I am happy to know him and I enjoy the good things he does for my school and church.

God Bless you father Mike
P.S. I find it very
very cool that Father
Mike drives a beetle.

J.P. Close Quote

by a parent
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Open Quote Lets call a spade a spade, shall we?

Those who live in glass houses should not cast stones!

First, it is wonderful that you can quote so many bible verses. But they are only words if you don't practice what you preach.

I have heard over and over that parents who are leaving were "bullies". In my opinion, which last I checked I am still entitled to, the biggest bully of all was ONE parent, who after the school purchased a Diocesan approved (which several other schools in the diocese also use) set of books, a very expensive set of books at that, pitched a fit because THAT PARENT did not approve of the material and the books were not used.

The women in the office may have helped to turn things around and get things in line with the new vision of the school. These women were some of the recipients of the "handouts" that went on and their children attended OLPH tuition free. All of the parents I know who are leaving left with a zero balance due not because they were given a handout but because we actually paid for our children to attend!

Yes, some of things said about the priest may not have been appropriate but the things he himself have said are not words that I have ever heard any other priest utter let alone put on paper and hand out to the congregation.

The most important thing to remember is that all of us, those staying and those leaving, are doing what we as individuals feel is the best decision for the very children that God himself intrusted us with. Close Quote

by a parent
Friday, June 12, 2009

Open Quote Our children have been blessed to attend OLPH for many years, and we look forward to the coming year because those who have brought the school down have finally left. I actually am quite embarrassed to say those parents/teachers who have written such nasty write ups were associated with our school.Shame on every single one of them. It's obvious to see they are weak in their faith and can only claim to be Christians. To think that those were the teachers who were leading our children actually scares me. And they have the nerve to question why they weren't asked to return. I feel for them, imagine how miserable one must be on the inside to write about a Priest as they have written. I would suggest you get prayer in your life to release that unforgiveness (see Luke 6:37),resentment (see Hebrews 12:14-15) and anger (see Ephesians 4:31-32). All things come to an end. It was time for some change in our school. It's just sad you all couldn't leave and handle it like a true Christian knowing God has a plan. So some families left, has that made you feel any better? You did us a big favor so thank you.

If you are looking for a Catholic school who has a fresh start where your child will be happy and enjoy school, be treated with respect for who they are and will advance in their learning and be taught to love like Jesus then this is your school. If you're looking for a school where you don't pay tuition b/c your in with the Principal/front office staff, where teachers disrespect the children and parents because they can get away with it and gossip to anyone who would listen... well your out of luck b/c those days are over at OLPH Glendale. Close Quote

by a parent
Monday, June 8, 2009

Open Quote It saddens me to see how much division has come to happen at OLPH Parish and School. It also saddens me to read the innuendos, insults and hurtful sentences written in the blog simply to take sides. The facts are simply facts and they do not need to be rehashed again and again. Some people feel that the prior administration favored a few, and that the new administration is open to all, etc. etc. etc., but the facts again show themselves to be in the success ratio in faith, scholastics and participation, by parishioners, parents, school students and parishioners at large. Who favors who and who are the few making decisions now? Isn't there suppossed to be a School Board compossed of parents and clergy? Was not that the same before? who are the chosen or favored few and when?

I must say that as a parent and parishioner, what is most disappointing to me and my family, is the fact that there is division now where there was none, there is hatred, where there used to be caring and compassion, there is e-mails and threats now where there used to be communication and openness. With these facts, no need to try to convince anyone what is the truth; those who see and know the truth, they know it, those who are blind to the truth, they like it that way. The truth speaks for itself.

Pray to bring unity to the parish and school, what used to be is no longer there, and to that, it has been a contribution of all those who simply want to proof a point: that they know better than anyone else.

I so wish we could smile again

Robert McCain Close Quote

by a parent
Saturday, June 6, 2009

Open Quote Yes rumors are real. Yes, things become miscontrued in translation. But what is clear is this: Bottom line, Families are leaving, children are being uprooted and a community is shattered. My family wasn't asked to leave but we are. Having long time teachers who cared is not a bad thing and recess is for the kids not teachers.

If Jesus could blog he would probably ask what self respecting priest who has taken a vow of humilty tints his hair and drives a convertable beetle? What kind of man of the cloth eats at Margaritaville and Village Inn weekly when the children don't have air conditioning in the classrooms? What self-respecting interim principal does not even return phone calls from parents or won't even talk to teachers? What self-respecting Christian can't see what this priest has done to the parish and school? To all of the people who think this blog is unkind....well the truth usually hurts, so don't log on. It's a free country and anonymity is still legal. Close Quote

by a parent
Friday, June 5, 2009

Open Quote As a parent I am shocked and discussed at all the un-Christian like behavior dispalyed here on this blog about a Catholic Church. Even if you had a terrible experience this past year--rumors fly like the breeze--all half truths and exaggerations. It is truly very sad to see and hear mature adults talk and gossip in the manner in which I have seen this past year. Now tell me, what examples are you for your own children????? Would Jesus carry on like this???? Or on the other hand, would He forgive and turn the other cheek? Are you all so perfect that you have the right to be so extremely judgemental? More times than not there is so much more that what is merely seen on the surface than what we actually know for fact. Close Quote

by a citizen
Friday, June 5, 2009

Open Quote I don't live in Arizona any more because of job movment. But my family brought us up in Our Lady of Perpetual help I have received all my scarements there I was also married there as well as all my sister. My nephews and neices have all gone there for there schooling. I hope to be moving back soon and if I do I will send my daughter there for her schooling. I also had a funeral there for my father he always prayed to our lady and kept our family on the right track it breaks my heart to read so menny hate filled messages from so called parents which I can't believe since you don't have the courage to put your name on these. I was just there for my nieces first commuion and as I help out on our day together the childern were so happy I just wish so more sponsors would have stood up for there kids and been there to help. I also notice and it maybe some of the teacher that were let go not interacting with the kids at recess. I ask some of the kids who the teacher were and they pointed them out near the shade just sitting and talking. and ask the kids don't they interact with you during recess they said NO. That is so sad my name is Guadalupe Sobania and I'm not afriad to write my name. God bless this school and all that work there. Close Quote

by a citizen
Friday, June 5, 2009

Open Quote If you as parents are looking for an compassinate, caring, kind, thoughtful, Catholic education for your child,,RUN, do not walk away from this school..Having been there eight years and a child with only one more year to go says she is so excited to be leaving OLPH that she would have left it with only one month to go..that in itself should tell anyone looking at a school that this is definitely notthe one to be looking at..It once was a very good, close,,Catholic educational community,,no more..Fr. Mike is an embarrassment to the priesthood,,if I were a fellow priest I sure would be ashamed to call him a peer..This man has money for anything he wants,,no matter how silly and expensive it is,,but out students could not even go on field trips and retreats because there was no money..So if you are still looking for a good Catholic education for your children..do not even stop by and look around..go seek another school Close Quote

by a parent
Friday, June 5, 2009

Open Quote As a long time parent who is leaving the school and left the parish over a year ago I can only echo what has already been said. What I will add is this: I feel sorry for the people who don't see what this man has done to the community including the poor choice he made in who will temporarily run the school after the principal couldn't deal with him anymore and second, sometimes God gives you what you ask for. We had a priest who cared about the community. Because a few (very few) that could not get their way and spend money like they wanted, he was asked to leave. This priest was there for our kids, never late to an event, did not rush through mass like it was the 1.99 special at the car wash and supported the teachers and principal. So, be careful what you wish for is one of the real lessons. Close Quote

by a parent
Friday, June 5, 2009

Open Quote The OLPH community has been known for years to be a loving, caring, inviting, spiritually based community. When we first enrolled we did so with anticipation and excitement. The school more than lived up to its reputation. We were an OLPH family for years. Unfortunately, in less than a year the school has transformed. The Priest is more of a dictator than a Shepherd. The faith filled community has ceased to exist. It has been disheartening to see the student’s faith, religious and academic education undermined by a Priest who is obviously more concerned about his needs than those of his "flock". Aren't Priests expected to take a vow of poverty? I Guess this one must have heard wrong and thought it was a vow of personal prosperity. He has new highlights in his hair (fulfills vow of vanity) and a new car (vow of charity, as in "I will use money for charity, for myself"). It is amazing how the day after tuition payment are collected, new "things" for himself, or his "humble" church seem to appear. Also mind blowing, that the church air conditioning can not be turned on for students mass, but new tile can be afforded. The last straw for many members of the community was the ever so timely arrival to the 8th grade Graduation Mass he was officiating. What, 45 minutes late for an even that has been on the book for only a year is not acceptable? (He had to have dinner with his mom is the rumor.) His final act for teaching the students responsibility and Catholic identity….If I show up 45 minutes late to Mass, does it still count? All schools have their issues, all administrations their quirks, and all communities their weaknesses, I can accept this. What I can not stand for is blatant twisting of faith for self fulfillment of the "leader". It is sad that the issues facing this school and community have fallen upon the deaf ears of the Diocese. I am sure, like with the sexual misconduct issues of the 90's, this too will one day surface, leaving all faithful Catholic looking foolish. I would definitely not recommend this school or this parish to anyone. Close Quote

by a parent
Friday, June 5, 2009

Open Quote The Pastor is all style and no substance. This used to be a wonderful community and school, that has all changed. The Pastor asked for patience midway during the school year but all he provided was fancy words. The leadership style is a tyranical, dictatorship. The interim principal was completely out of touch and although I was often on campus for activities I never once saw her. Good teachers were let go of, mid-year, with no explanation to students or parents. The kids ended up with substitute teachers and read stories to one-another. The teachers were completely demoralized which greatly affected our children's education. Many families are not returning, they are going to other Catholic schools because the Pastor and principal wrecked this one. Many long-term, good teachers are leaving, keeping many of the Pastor's lackeys in place. It is truly sad that the Diocese allowed a wonderful community to be destroyed. An ego with competence and a track record is one thing, however, an ego with incompetence and a lousy record is what OLPH sadly got. Close Quote

by a parent
Friday, June 5, 2009

Open Quote Our family is leaving after many years at Our Lady of Perpetual Adoration! What this new administration and those that support them have done in the name of Catholic education is very disheartening. Catholic means all embracing of interests and universal. This administration only wants those who think like them. Not exactly good Catholic behavior. They have lost alot of good parents and the best teachers are leaving or were forced to leave. What is left is not the cream of the crop! It's very sad that so many parents are just "settling" for something as important as their child's education. Parents should be advocates for their children and work with the teachers to offer the best education possible! OLPA does not offer a healthy, Catholic learning environment. Close Quote

by a parent
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Open Quote After seven joyous years at this school it broke my heart to have to leave. I used to be the biggest advocate for this school. I even encouraged the press to take a look at our school. Now after administration changes and a Pastor who has his own agenda we can no longer be associated with this school. The last day of school was devastating. Teachers crying, students forced to say goodbye to long time classmates, and a community destroyed. I have found many websites praising the Adoration hall but failing to mention anything about the recent lawsuits and formal write up of Father and Mrs. Brashe for not properly protecting a student who was assaulted by the Spanish teacher. I would not recommend this school to my worst enemy. All children deserve a loving environment to grow and learn, no matter how much money their family is able to donate. They should all be loved equally!!!!!!!! Close Quote

by a student
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Open Quote I was a student at this school since Kindergarten. This year, our 7th grade Language Arts teacher was fired and we had a few different substitutes. The interim principal or pastor never talked to us about what was happening to our class. So we were basically left wondering what would happen each day or who would be teaching us. So to keep us busy they had us reading stories out loud to each other. I felt like I was in 2nd grade again! The 7th grade put the play Pocahontas on and the teacher's husband was helping us. The first night of the play I saw her husband smack a child in the head because he accidentally dropped a prop. That was not only sad but scary. He was able to come back the next night to help again in the play. Nobody cared about our safety, I was really scared to come back when I saw him. That teacher is still at the school and will be next year. I'm glad to be leaving and happy that my parents found me a safe, caring environment to learn in at a different catholic school! Close Quote

by a parent
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Open Quote The financial issues regarding the school were very minor and the audit that was completed this month stated so. The finances have had very little to do with so many parents and teachers leaving. Parents aren't leaving for financial reasons if they are leaving to go to other Catholic schools. The leadership may have brought perpetual adoration to the parish, but did very little to build community and get to know our school families. Instead they pushed their own agendas sometimes without thought to what would be best for all students and families. I want no part of the direction this school is headed as it has become a place of self righteousness and exclusion. Close Quote

by a parent
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Open Quote This school has suffered under the current administration! The Pastor, has denied our students the money that was fundraised solely by them to be used for a religious retreat and other student expenses. As the school suffered, we sat by and watched the Pastor take several vacations, buy another car..just like the one he has, carpet and tile the church, buy a new copy machine, etc. His concern is solely for himself and his church with no regard for the education of our children. There are several long term teachers leaving, as well as over half the student body! We had an "interim-principal" that lacked professionalism towards parents and teachers and compassion towards the students, as does the Pastor! The sad part of this community, is it once had professionalism, compassion and a family setting. So if you are looking for a faith filled community that has compassion and puts the child's needs first...keep looking this isn't the catholic community you want! Close Quote

by a parent
Monday, May 11, 2009

Open Quote As a parent at this school I have to say that our administrative team is great. They have been financial issues in the past that have been taken care of, thanks to this administration. OLPH is proud of their families and will not allow bad influences get in the middle of our children's education. To me as a parent the fact that the administration and the teachers have been able to finish the school year with out a formal principal, that had to leave for personal problems as it was stated, tells me that this administration is doing something good. Also education and not fieldtrips is what is important to me. Our priest is a very faith based and dedicated priest that has brought to our community Perpetual Adoration. The diocese of Phoenix has been reviewing our school for almost a year and have nothing but good comments. Our student body this year will be about 280 students. We have dedicated teachers. My kids love and admire their teacher and I admire their dedication and support. Close Quote

Enrollment information for Our Lady Of Perpetual Help Catholic School

Year White African American Asian Hispanic American Indian Pacific Islander Two or More Races Not Specified Total
2004 180 11 26 149 1 n/a n/a 0 367
2008 0 0 0 0 0 n/a n/a 455 455
2010 56 12 28 156 0 0 12 25 289
2012 31 8 13 93 0 0 0 30 175
2014 10 6 19 147 0 0 13 35 230
2016 11 10 11 214 0 0 10 42 298
2018 10 5 4 281 0 3 4 40 347
2020 13 12 2 266 2 0 18 32 345
2022 19 11 4 235 5 0 26 37 337

Data source: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Dept of Education.

About Enrollment/Ethnicity

For more information about how the Department of Education defines ethnicity, see Defining Race and Ethnicity Data, National Center for Education Statistics

Student/Teacher Ratio Our Lady Of Perpetual Help Catholic School

Year # Students Full-time Teachers Student/Teacher ratio % Free/Discounted Lunch
2004 367 28.0 13.1 n/a
2008 455 21.0 20.0 n/a
2010 289 14.6 18.0 n/a
2012 175 13.3 10.9 n/a
2014 230 15.6 12.5 n/a
2016 298 19.0 13.4 n/a
2018 347 19.3 15.9 n/a
2020 345 22.9 13.6 n/a
2022 337 18.0 16.6 n/a

Data source: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Dept of Education.

About Student-Teacher Ratio

Student/teacher ratio is calculated by dividing the total number of students by the total number of full-time equivalent teachers. Please note that a smaller student/teacher ratio does not necessarily translate to smaller class size. In some instances, schools hire teachers part time, and some teachers are hired for specialized instruction with very small class sizes. These and other factors contribute to the student/teacher ratio. Note: For private schools, Student/teacher ratio may not include Pre-Kindergarten.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Our Lady Of Perpetual Help Catholic School

In the 2021-22 school year, 337 students attended Our Lady Of Perpetual Help Catholic School.

Students at Our Lady Of Perpetual Help Catholic School are 70% Hispanic, 11% Not Specified, 8% Two or more races, 6% White, 3% African American, 1% American Indian, 1% Asian.

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SchoolDigger data sources: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Census Bureau and the Arizona Department of Education.

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMERS: Not all boundaries are included. We make every effort to ensure that boundaries are up-to-date. But it's important to note that these are approximations and are for general informational purposes only. To verify legal descriptions of boundaries or school locations, contact your local tax assessor's office and/or school district.


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