Freedom Academy Inc. operates a single elementary school, Freedom Academy, which serves grades K-8 in Phoenix, Arizona. With a total enrollment of 329 students, Freedom Academy has a student population that is predominantly White (65.65%), with significant Hispanic (25.84%) and smaller African American (2.74%), Asian (0.3%), and multiracial (5.47%) representations.
Academically, Freedom Academy's performance is generally below the state averages, particularly in the higher grade levels. In English Language Arts, proficiency rates range from 36% in 3rd grade to 31% in 6th grade, compared to state averages of 39% and 43%, respectively. In Mathematics, proficiency rates are 38% in 3rd grade and 31% in 4th grade, compared to state averages of 43% and 36%. Science proficiency is 41% in 5th grade and 24% in 8th grade, compared to state averages of 34% and 27%. The school's dropout rate, however, is 0.0%, and 43.77% of students receive free or reduced-price lunch, indicating the school serves a population with significant economic challenges.
With only one school in the Freedom Academy Inc. district, there are no other schools to compare Freedom Academy to in order to identify standout performers. The school's spending per student is $9,373, which is within the typical range for public schools in Arizona, but the impact of this funding on student learning and achievement is unclear without additional context or comparisons to similar schools or districts.
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