Troy City, Alabama has one elementary school serving students from pre-kindergarten through 6th grade - Troy Elementary School. With an enrollment of 982 students, the school has a diverse student population that is 61.3% African American, 29.74% White, and smaller percentages of Hispanic, Asian, and multiracial students. While the school's math proficiency rates generally exceed the state average, its English and science proficiency are more mixed, with some grades performing below the state benchmark.
Socioeconomic factors play a significant role, as 68.02% of Troy Elementary students receive free or reduced-price lunch. The school's spending of $9,006 per student is in the middle range compared to other Alabama elementary schools. Despite these challenges, Troy Elementary has maintained a 2-3 star rating from SchoolDigger and a ranking between 342-384 out of 684-687 elementary schools statewide over the past three years.
Overall, Troy City has one elementary school that serves a diverse, economically disadvantaged population. While the school shows some academic strengths in math, it faces room for improvement in English and science proficiency to raise its overall performance and ranking within the state.
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